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Friday, October 21, 2011

Best SEO Blogger Tip

I've been Googling for tips on SEO, but I've found this as very interesting by Cyndi Thompson.

Very helpful and learnt alot. Read Yourself on SEO.

Best SEO Blogger - Cyndi Thompson

Thanks Cyndi, That was great help...

how does search engines see your site?

Here is how Search Engine Views your website contents.

The Lynx Viewer allows webmasters to see what their pages will look like when viewed with Lynx , a text-mode web browser. It is also presumably, how search engines see your site. In addition to that, it can help determine if web pages are accessible to the vision impaired.
Note: For best results, you should download a copy of Lynx itself and run it locally on your own computer. Lynx for MAC OS X.
This service is intended to be used only by content developers, on their own pages.

Lynx Viewer

Friday, October 14, 2011

Dynamic Dependant DropDown List: US States & Counties

I was googling for a way to show a drop down menu with states that populates another menu with counties from the selected state. I found a nice dynamic dependent drop down script (with categories & subcategories) at However, adding over 2000 counties in a single JavaScript file is not such a good idea because such a script is quite big (200KB+) and in many cases (a slow internet connection, some downloads in progress etc.) it will take some time to load.

I’ve decided to keep the counties from each state in separate files. For instance, if we select Hawaii state (with 5 counties), only the hi.js file will load which has only a size of 515 bytes. To do this I’ve used the powerful JavaScript library JQuery.

Dynamic Dependant DropDown List: US States & Counties

Download Codes

Monday, October 3, 2011

Use the YouTube API with PHP

The YouTube video sharing site allows Web application developers to access public content through its REST-based developer API. The SimpleXML extension in PHP is ideal for processing the XML feeds generated by this API and using them to build customized PHP applications. This article introduces the YouTube Data API, demonstrates how you can use it to browse user-generated video content; access video metadata, comments and responses; and perform keyword searches.

Here is the best references from IBM snippets - Click Here

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