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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Mac OSX adb command not found - SOLVED

Am sure you have not set your PATH to android PLATFORM-TOOLS

No Worries

Try this

Friday, October 26, 2018

PHP MySQL - Stored procedure with a Query SOLVED

1st Time in almost 19 years i tried this a I was building backend intensive application using PHP & MySQL, where I had to reuse queries in many pages and had to write SQL QUERY repetitively almost everywhere across tables



Tuesday, October 16, 2018

PHP Lakh and Million Number Format - solved

Its very simple till you learn

Saturday, October 6, 2018

How to Remove GoDaddy Tracker Script from Your Web page Footer - SOLVED

How to Remove GoDaddy Tracker Script from Your Web page Footer???

Login into your GoDaddy A/c
Hosting - MANAGE ALL
Below cPanel Button - see 3-Dotted button
Click on - HELP US
and click - OPT OUT

No Thanks Necessary, Ma'am...

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'use' (T_USE) in phpmailer - SOLVED

Yep!!! shit happens to everyone who use PHPMailer.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Javascript not Adding two values from dropdown and input element - solved

prepend "+" to value
use canary : (+waiting_charge + +ifare)
check the example

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Google Map API - Multiple Waypoint and Distance Calculation - SOLVED

I was wondering for longtime on how "MULTIPLE WAYPOINTS by adding Address New INPUTS" works thanks to GeoZipCode and I added Distance and Time taken to gravel

Start Point
End Point
--- add ----
Multiple Waypoints

---- Return ----
Routes on Google Map
Show Total Distance
Show Time take to travel Distance

Here is the complete code for you

Friday, June 22, 2018

How to Prevent Web Form SPAM - Solved PHP

Very simple after getting spammed 47000 times in 8 days, i found this solutions.

Dont go with Preg or rpreg etc etc

Just put common keywords in an array & boot the mother fuckers with EXIT(0) when they caught redhanded spamming on your website.

no mother fucker can now, spam on my holy-FORM

Have Fun --- our latest delivery VIP Boston Limo

Friday, April 27, 2018

Htaccess redirect to HTTPS://WWW - solved

If you are looking for HTACCESS script to redirect your SSL Enabled website to redirect to HTTPS and to WWW here is the best one for you

Our latest Delivery

Friday, March 9, 2018

Google Ranking Lost due to Google Adwords

Fuck!!! Fuck!!! Fuck!!!

My website was on top 3 & went down after I put Google Adwords.

I was a big fucking mistake.

Right now my website is on 4th page.

Dont Know HOW-To bring it back on 1st page.

Google Screwed my Website Ranking

PHP MySQL - Effective Way to Build Search Query SQL Example

If you are implementing search capabilities on your PHP MySQL website.

Here is best example on HOW-TO

When implementing searching capabilities 1st thing we need to look into is SQL QUERY STATEMENTS and effective way of writing it for best search results

Check Here for Best Example

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Self-Hosted Scripts - Github

This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers.

Check All Self-Hosted Scripts

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Find Image Size in PHP - solved

Its very easy to resize images in PHP based on your requirement - height or width to keep them uniform on pages

Our Latest Website Released

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