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Monday, October 15, 2012

nGinX - New Light Weight Web Server

nginx light weight web server

nGinX - pronounced as Engine-X, a new kid on the block of Web Servers, also being touted as "Lightest" Weight Web Server of its kind currently available for download for free.

About nGinX
nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as a mail proxy server, written by Igor Sysoev. For a long time, it has been running on many heavily loaded Russian sites including Yandex, Mail.Ru, VKontakte, and Rambler. According to Netcraft nginx served or proxied 11.48% busiest sites in August 2012. Here are some of the success stories: Netflix,, FastMail.FM.

  • Easy, flexible and logical configuration.
  • Ability to reconfigure and upgrade NGINX instances on-the-fly, without dropping user requests.
  • Application request routing via FastCGI, uwsgi or SCGI protocols; NGINX can also serve static content directly from storage for additional performance optimization.
  • The only software tested that was capable of reliably handling over 10,000 request per second of live traffic to WordPress applications from a single server.
  • NGINX’s memory and CPU footprints are minimal, and predictable. After switching to NGINX the CPU usage on the load balancing servers dropped three times.
  • Can handle over 10,000 simultaneous IMAP, POP, Web,SSL & SMTP connections with a basic Configuration

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