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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Show Hide DIV using Bootstrap without Javascript

This neat & clean way to SHOW/HIDE DIV without JAVASCRIPT but only BOOTSTRAP CLASS

Visit my website Taxi Website Designerscom

Get Device Current Position without Button Click - Geolocation HTML5

This is strictly for BEGINNERS & pros can refer it too.

Get User / Device Current Position Lattitude & Longitude without clicking button using HTML5 GEOLOCATION

Saturday, April 25, 2020

How to Store an Array in LocalStorage - [SOLVED]

localStorage only supports strings. Use JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse().

place array inside onDeviceReady and asign the json array to localStorage

On Page parse values stored in localStorage array into another json array for implimentation

Monday, April 20, 2020

Warning: getimagesize(): Filename cannot be empty -- SOLVED

If you are experiencing this issue while trying to FIND SIZE OF IMAGE for RESIZING and you are getting this error means --- FAULTY CAMERA APP

I have both Samsung M30 & LG Q7+ ---- both IMAGE CREATION APPS are FAULTY
and i believe other phones too has these issues of IMAGE FILE CREATION issue

What a shame Samsung / LG --- am not big fan of Chinese Phone

How to Upload Images again???

Convert your Photos to JPG using photoshop and Upload again. IT WORKS!!!!

Sorry We Have no other ways to convert & upload thru PHP

---- OR ----
DISABLE "GEO LOCATION" feature in your camera -- IT WORKS

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Extract Geocoding Latitude Longitude from Image / Photo using PHP with Google MAP API [SOLVED]

Extract Latittude and Longitude from an photo shot using GPS Enabled device either Smartphone or Digital Camera using PHP & show the location on Google MAP with Marker.

I tried using EXIF.JS & jQuery but failed. PHP is simple and works great.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Find Date of Next Sunday in PHP

This is best & beautiful PHP syntax and it surprised me today when i needed this function:

content-wide advt